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Bactine Page 10

  "I'll be there, Ulaman."

  "I know." Ulaman's face attempted a smile and the screen went grey.

  Daniel stretched his legs under the table. He was sitting outside a nice little restaurant, enjoying a brew called sturt which was the local excuse for coffee. He had grown to like it. Tomlin Barker had pointed it out to him some days ago. "It makes a nice change to tea, Daniel," he had said. His friend had been right.

  Daniel had enjoyed the days on shore; they had allowed him to travel around a bit and learn more of the town and the adjacent areas. It was not a bad place to live, but the lack of action (not counting a certain bar fight) was getting to him, so he was glad to go out again. Even if it was just a short trip.

  He finished his cup of sturt, paid using his ring and headed back to his apartment. Getting his things was routine by now, so soon he was on his way to the harbour. He grinned as he came up to the immense ship. Seeing it like this was so much better than the view from his window. As he came closer, his grin changed to a frown. There were a few carts at the bottom of the gangway with the names of companies he did not recognise. Men he did not know and who did not look like they belonged on the ship were climbing up and down, taking things.

  Daniel walked up to the deck and saw Draiky watching the men. "Hello, Xandree. What's all this?"

  The woman shrugged. "I am not sure. Orders from the Seigner, I heard. Ulaman and Xandree are not here, they asked me to keep an eye on these people."

  Two men tried to bring aboard a very large, long chest. They were swaying on their feet precariously as they tried to lift the thing up. Daniel dropped his things and quickly gave the men a hand. A fall down, he knew, meant certain death. The quay was hard and the water unforgiving.

  "Thank you, sir!" the men said as they came aboard. They picked up the chest and disappeared below deck.

  "They are hammering down there," Draiky informed Daniel. "Lot of noise. I'm happy the galley is far from there."

  Daniel nodded. "I'll go put my stuff away and see what's going on."

  "Good luck, Daniel." Draiky turned to the next man was bringing a bag of stuff on board, checked a list, and directed him below deck.

  Daniel followed the man who moved slowly under his load. It was also obvious he was not used to moving about on a ship. The security man frowned as he saw the man stagger into the cabin opposite his own, where a lot of the hammering and sawing came from. The 'Keep Out' sign on the door made him wonder even more.

  He was stowing his belongings when the hydger rattled. It was Gaguran Slindris. "Mr. Zacharias. Good day. I am calling you, on behalf of Seigner Dandra ko Galem, to inform you about work being undertaken aboard the Pricosine."

  "I am already aware of that, Mr. Slindris," Daniel said. "The workers are hammering loud enough not to miss it."

  "Very good. They are all selected and found safe to work on board, Mr. Zacharias. There is no need for you to be concerned, or to interrogate them."

  "Interrogate? That is a bit drastic, isn't it?" Daniel wondered where that suddenly came from.

  "I just want to make sure you understand. The work has to be done before the Pricosine sails. Seigner Dandra ko Galem asks if you can assure that all safety precautions have been taken and checked. And that the rescue vessel is in order, for the eventual case that it is needed."

  "Of course, I'll see to that. May I ask what this is all about?"

  "You will learn about that soon enough, Mr. Zacharias." It was evident that Gaguran wanted the conversation to end.

  "Very well, sir. Thank you for letting me know."

  "Good day, Mr. Zacharias. Apologies for being negligent; you should have been informed of this earlier." That was all. The grey display was a clear sign.

  After storing his things and changing clothes, Daniel went up on deck again and looked for Ulaman once more. The captain was still not there. He heard his name and turned, seeing a small group gathered near a mast. He walked over. "Hi, guys. What's the matter here?"

  Brinno made a hushing sound. Then he whispered: "Something strange going on, Daniel. Something really strange. There's rumours that there be a passenger on the ship."

  "That would not surprise me, really," Daniel said. "There's a lot of activity going on below deck. Inside a cabin. Did the rumours also spill who the passenger will be?"

  Brinno and the others shook their heads. "Nah. Nothing for sure anyways. Some say that it is the Seigner. Some say it is the mouse."

  Daniel grinned at the way Brinno spat out the word 'mouse'.

  "There should na be a passenger on de ship. She's a cargo ship, na passenger carrier," another sailor said, proud of his work and not too keen on strangers.

  Daniel left the guessing group as he had to do his round over the deck, and under it too. He grinned at the lot as he walked off. Chattering and gossiping as the next man in the market square.

  As he returned from the round over the deck, Draiky was no longer on her spot to direct people. Daniel peeked over the side. Some of the carts had left, some were still there. He went below deck and found the 'Keep Out' sign still attached to the door. He knocked and opened the door as far as it would go.

  "Hey!" someone yelled, "can't you read?!" The door bounced back. Daniel obviously was not supposed to come in.

  "I am the security person for the Pricosine. I just want to check things are okay in there."

  "They're okay, now go and let us do our job. We're pressed for time as it is."

  Daniel sighed. "Okay. Have fun in there." He'd have a look there as soon as the men had left. The fact that a cabin here was being worked in did add body to the rumours that there would be a passenger on board. But perhaps it was something for the future. Daniel disagreed with that last thought. It was still strange that this rush-job was being done only hours before they would take the ship out for a test. Also the comment about the rescue boats...

  "You're looking for ghosts, Zacharias," he told himself. Instead of ghosts, looking at the cargo bays and checking out the bridge was a better use of his time.

  Before going up to the bridge, Daniel went by the galley to have a look around there.

  "What's that?" Draiky asked. "You don't trust anybody, do you?"

  "I am just doing a routine check, Draiky," he smiled. "I know you are okay, it is just a part of the game."

  "Game. Of course," Draiky grumbled. She did not allow Daniel to leave without having a cup of tea first, though.

  Lidrin was alone on the bridge. The man was on his knees, up to his shoulders inside the housing that had all the controls for the large steering wheel.

  "Lidrin, are things well?"

  The sailor jumped at the sudden words. He cursed after that, because the compartment he was in did not allow for much jumping. Rubbing his head, he got up. "Oh, it's you. Hadn't heard you come in."

  "Sorry, Lidrin. I didn't know-"

  "That's okay. I shouldn't be poking in there anyway." The helmsman closed the door again. "I just wanted to see what they had done to the mechanism. All looks in order though. So what's this about the mouse coming on board as a passenger for the trip?"

  Daniel laughed. "News sure travels fast here."

  Lidrin's face lit up. "So it is true then! Damn the water-spears, nobody will be happy about that."

  Daniel explained that all he had heard so far were rumours as well.

  "Come on, Daniel, tell me what you know."

  "That is all I know, except that Ulaman and Xandree are not here yet," Daniel insisted. "That, and the workmen who are below, rebuilding a cabin."

  Lidrin nodded. "I saw them too. And the two walls they took out and carried off the ship."

  "Two walls?" Daniel's eyes became large for a moment. "That's strange." He was tempted to contact Gaguran Slindris and ask what was going on, when Lidrin pointed. "The bear and his female are coming back."

  They watched the quay. Indeed. Ulaman's unmistakable shape and his wife came walking towards the Pricosine.

  "They'll be up so
on, we can ask them then," Lidrin knew. His knowledge proved wrong. The two did not climb up the long gangway, but seemed to wait for something.

  "I'm going down there and see what's going on," said Daniel.

  The helmsman watched him go, slightly envious. He was not allowed to leave his post.

  "Ulaman, Xandree," Daniel said as he reached the two. "Good to see you."

  "Ah. Daniel," said the captain. "You surveyed the ship, did you?"

  "Yes. Everything is in order. I just had no chance yet to check what's going on in the cabin opposite mine."

  "They are not done yet?" Ulaman pulled a face. "They should've been done already." He raised his voice somewhat and yelled at some of the sailors to go below deck and urge the workmen to hurry. His choice of words was rather creative, especially the part about the fate of the workers if they did not haul their asses of the ship soon. He then turned to Daniel again. "We're having a visitor on the ship this run."

  Daniel nodded. "Who is it?"

  "The Seigner's daughter."

  "Oh God." Daniel would have preferred even Gaguran over the woman. Ulaman nodded.

  "And why?"

  "She asked. That simple. The kid gets everything she wants. And more. I have a list of special orders here concerning her."

  "I don't envy you," Daniel said.

  "You need not. I have a list for you as well." With a wide smirk Ulaman pulled a rolled-up stack of paper from his pocket and slapped it in Daniel's hand. "And your list is longer than mine. Start reading, she should be here soon."

  Daniel stared at the captain. "You're kidding. This can't be true. Soon I am going to wake up, right?"

  Xandree looked at Daniel. "You'd better read. Or you are up for a very rude awakening."

  Daniel looked at the first page. "Safety. Food. Safety. Language- language?! We're all screwed."

  "Language, Daniel," Xandree said with her eternal straight face. And if she could read his mind: "No. Resigning is not an option."

  "Arrggghhh..." Daniel walked back towards the ship, reading the first page of the stack in his hand.


  He turned around at Ulaman's voice.

  "Get back here. She's coming. Be nice." Ulaman looked as if he himself was in trouble also. "At least try to."

  At the end of the quay, three carriages were slowly moving towards them. After a few minutes, they came to a halt in front of the gangway where Ulaman, Xandree and Daniel had taken position.

  The door of the first carriage swung open and Gaguran Slindris stepped out. Daniel frowned, until the man turned and reached for the hand of the frilly girl, to help her out of the coach.

  The young woman was covered in an amazing amount of fabric, most of it yellow and beige. The dress was very nice if the beholder knew to appreciate it. She picked a small umbrella from the seat and turned towards Ulaman. "Good day, captain Xhylor," she said with a smile. "Mrs. Xhylor, so pleased to meet you too." Then she looked at Daniel. Her eyes sampled his leisurely military outfit. "Oh. It's you." Her attention went back to Ulaman.

  As she was chattering and flattering the captain and his wife, Daniel wondered who would step out of the other carriages, but the doors remained closed. Ulaman's voice shook him out of his thoughts. "What?"

  "Wake up, Daniel. Can you start taking some of Miss Dandra ko Galem's luggage up?"

  Gaguran Slindris frowned at Daniel.

  "Luggage? Where is that?" As he asked, a dreadful feeling hit him. The two other carriages. "Oh. Right. Sure." He stepped away and looked at the railing where some of the sailors were waiting and watching.

  "Are you sure that this man is a reliable member of your crew, captain?" he heard the woman say in a tiny sweet voice.

  Daniel bit away some words that tried to force their way out. He should -not- make things worse than they already were. He waved his arm at some of the sailors and yelled up that they should come down to help.

  "He yells so loudly," the young woman said, her tone definitely disapproving. In a dramatic way she covered her ears, dismay on her face.

  Daniel closed his eyes, breathed deeply and opened the first carriage door. Some of the suitcases were so eager to get on board that they fell out. He scrambled to catch them. Of the four he got one. He did not look at the woman who was still talking to Ulaman and Xandree. The short silence that fell was bad enough. He grabbed four suitcases and what looked like, heavens forbid, a box to carry a hat. Loaded like that he made his way to the gangway, but before he reached it, Ulaman called his name.

  He turned and looked over the hat-box. "What can I do for you, captain?"

  "Please step this way, Mr. Zacharias. Miss Dandra ko Galem has some problems with her footwear."

  Daniel wondered what that was to him, but he walked back to the four people.

  "I wonder," said Ulaman, "if you could be so good to carry Miss Dandra ko Galem to deck."

  16. Rayko

  Daniel did not drop the suitcases. Brinno and Bilk arrived just in time and took them from his hands.

  "Carry the young lady up to deck." Daniel repeated the words and knew he was not helping his situation. "Of course."

  "Are your hands clean?" Miss Dandra ko Galem asked.

  "They are, Miss," Daniel said. "Now, if you allow me..." He lifted her up in his arms, ignoring the little squeal she let out as it happened.

  "Do be careful with my dress," she said, "it costs more than you earn in a year."

  Daniel did not respond. He walked towards the ship and seriously thought about how it would be to dump her in the water of the harbour. As he carried the woman upwards, she kept warning him what he had to be careful of, and where and what to watch.

  "And don't drop me. We are up scarily high!"

  "Don't worry, miss, I've been up this ship many times. I know my way around here."

  "My father told me you are not a proper sailor, sir, so I will worry if and when I choose to, thank you very much."

  Daniel suppressed a sigh of relief when finally he could put the woman on her feet. He just knew she would have problems with her footwear on the ship too. He also thought she should eat more, she was much too light.

  Brinno and Bilk came up with suitcases. And boxes. Ulaman and Xandree were right behind them, and Xandree steered the young woman to the staircase that would bring her below deck. Daniel frowned. She did not seem to have problems walking here.

  "More suitcases there, I guess?" he asked the skipper, who nodded. "Of course..."


  Gaguran Slindris had made sure all the carriages returned to wherever they came from, riding in one of them. All the luggage was loaded and stowed. Another carriage had arrived, with a special assortment of food that should be served during the trip, and a cook.

  Draiky, a calm person most always, had become very hostile when she heard she would have to share her galley with the strange cook. "If he so much as smears something on the stove in my caboose," she threatened, "I'm using his face to wipe it off."

  After setting that straight, everything was ready for departure. The hawsers were released and brought in. The men had set a minimal sail as there was quite some wind, and the Pricosine moved away from the quay. Daniel was on the bridge, walking around to keep an eye on everything, Ulaman happily yelled commands into the tube, sailors on deck ran to follow them. Lidrin muttered something about the rudder and then they set course for open sea.

  The first few hours the entire crew was working hard. Variations in sails were made, the new sail was severely tested as the wind was so favourable. Daniel wondered where the Dandra princess was, when suddenly he saw a yellow and beige spot at the far end of the boat, near the stern. His electronic eye made it easy to identify her.

  "Our guest has drifted off to the stern, Ulaman. I'll go bring her back," Daniel said.

  The captain nodded. "Keep an eye on her, Daniel. The Seigner will have our necks if something happens to her."

  Daniel left the bridge and walked down the length of
the ship, to find miss Dandra ko Galem leaning against the side of the ship. Her dress flapped about her as a tempered flag, her hair was flying in the wind. She did not hear him approach, so he said: "Miss Dandra ko Galem."

  She looked at him. "Oh. It's you again." Then she turned her head back towards the water.

  "Will you please come back with me, miss," Daniel said. "It is not all that safe here."