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Bactine Page 11

  "It is nice here," she said. "The wind feels nice."

  "Miss, I would really appreciate it if you were coming with me. The wind here can be treacherous."

  The woman turned and looked at him, leaning against the railing. "Don't you lecture me. This is my father's boat, and he only has good boats."

  "Ships," Daniel corrected her.

  "Boats," she insisted.

  Daniel picked up the remains of a command Ulaman issued, but couldn't understand it. Anything could happen now.

  "Changing tack!" someone overhead yelled. Slowly the ship tilted. The spanker, the last mast on the ship, caught the new wind and the immense rigging rushed over their heads, with a hard airflow following it.

  The airwave almost hit the woman. Daniel grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her against him as the rush went past them.

  "I'm sorry, but I had to," he said as he let her go again. He saw how she trembled. The experience had shocked more than she would have thought.

  "I - ehm - I was not prepared for this," she said in a timid voice. "I assume I owe you gratitude." She held on to Daniel's arm as they walked back towards the bridge, but as they came closer to it, she let go and went to her cabin, holding on to the side of the bridge as she rounded it.

  Daniel shook his head. This was had the makings of a disaster, and they were out of port for mere hours.

  The evening had another small disaster in store. The cook that had come aboard for Miss Dandra ko Galem was not feeling all too well. Draiky had helped him, so the food that had been brought on board was not a total ruin, but the end result was far from what the aim had been.

  The crew, who were eating with in the sailor's canteen, heard about that from Draiky. A lot of laughing and snickering went around.

  "I think the man will be sick tomorrow," their cook declared. She was right.

  The next day, the winds were up quite high. The Pricosine was under small sail again and Lidrin had a field day making the ship dance as he directed it with the new rudder. All his reservations against the new mechanism melted as ice as he learnt that the ship responded better.

  The Seigner's daughter did not show on deck as long as the tests were on the way. Ulaman told Daniel that he had warned the woman about the tests, and advised to keep to bed. "Looks like she listened. Also looks like we have to force-feed her cookery boy. That landlubber is sick as a dog, and there is not even a breeze."

  "Feeding a sick cook is not a security issue," Daniel declared. "Ask Bilk or Stroro. I'm busy." Ulaman's laughter followed him as he left the bridge, heading for safety.

  Later in the afternoon, Ulaman ordered the tests for the day over. All sails were stricken and the Pricosine floated calmly on the water.

  Xandree went below deck and checked on their guest. The young woman was doing better than the crew had expected; she came to deck with Xandree, wearing a new dress.

  "Now, miss, you stay close to Daniel- I mean Mr. Zacharias, and you will be as safe as you are in your own bed."

  "You can call me Rayko," the young woman said with a smile. "I really appreciate how good your care is, Mrs. Xhylor."

  "Please, call me Xandree then."

  Rayko smiled and nodded. "I will go and watch the sea." She walked to the railing and leaned against it, staying well in view of the bridge.

  Daniel was sitting a hundred and twenty feet up in a mast, together with Stroro. They were checking how the rigging of the new sails had withstood the ordeal Lidrin had put them through.

  "She does not appear to be sick," the sailor remarked as he peeked down at the woman.

  "No, true. Good for her." Daniel yanked a rope. It held.

  "You don't like her, do you?" Stroro asked.

  "I don't. She is so stuck up, so pampered, so snotty and stubborn." Daniel pulled another rope. It held too.

  "She is a woman." Stroro displayed all his knowledge about the other gender.

  Daniel looked at the man and sighed. "I know."

  "We're done here," Stroro said.

  "Yeah." They climbed down and jumped the last stretch down to the deck.

  The thuds made Rayko look at the sound. She saw the two men and frowned. "Where did you come from?"

  Stroro pointed at the mast. "Up there, miss." Then he walked off.

  Rayko looked up the mast. "Oh." As she looked down again, there was only Daniel. "That is high."

  Daniel groaned. "I know."

  "Uhm... I gathered that." Rayko turned towards the water again. She wanted that man to just go away. He annoyed her to no end. And he was far too tall also. There was no beauty in that.

  Daniel walked up to her. "Are you feeling well, Miss Dandra ko Galem?"

  "Yes. Fine."

  "I mean, the ship was tilting and rolling quite a lot earlier," Daniel tried.

  "I am fine. Thank you." Why did that man not take a hint? Did she have to swing a club at him to make him leave?

  "Very well then. I'll be seeing you, miss," Daniel said, glad he could leave. He started for the bridge.

  "Not if I can help it," Rayko muttered into the wind.

  Daniel's enhanced ears caught it. "Stupid stuck-up," he mumbled. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, Ulaman was just coming down.

  "Ah, Daniel. Come with me," the bear-shaped captain said, clapping him on the shoulder. "We are in a very nice area with lots of wildlife in the water. I will explain some to you, and to Miss Dandra ko Galem."

  "Ulaman, I was just-"

  "That can wait, Daniel. Come and learn something." He dragged the security man along, to where he had just been. "Miss Dandra ko Galem, how nice to see you outside."

  "Hello, captain," said Rayko. "It feels nice to be here."

  "Yes, good, good. There are many animals in the waters here, I thought it would be interesting for you to learn something about them?"

  Rayko tried to look at Ulaman without noticing Daniel. Why did he have to be here again, she wondered. "If you would be so kind, captain, I'd be very interested."

  Ulaman was pleased. He pointed out dark spots in the water, which were a kind of rays that lived ninety feet under the surface. "Nasty animals, they are very poisonous. Good thing they live so far down."

  There were eels, dozens of feet long, big round fish that came to the surface and bobbed around after which they simply sank down again.

  Rayko and Daniel both laughed at the antics of a species that looked like white seals who jumped up from the water like dolphins or floated around like otters.

  Ulaman noticed that both stopped laughing as soon as they noticed the other one was laughing as well and wondered about that.

  Then, after a while, their attention was drawn to a large bulk that moved through the water. It looked like a big rock, lacking its habit to sink.

  "What is that?" Rayko asked as she pointed at the thing.

  "That, Miss Dandra ko Galem, is a Fringy. It is a kind of fish, but it never leaves the surface. Nobody knows where they came from. Nobody knows what they live on. They seem to be fairly gentle, except when they are in the mating season."

  Rayko's face coloured. "I see."

  They spent another half hour discovering animals. Then Daniel said he was going to make his round again and quickly paced off.

  Rayko relaxed a bit as the man left. She wondered why she had become so tensed up with Mr. Zacharias around...

  Daniel had laid down for a nap. He was going to do a night watch again. As he woke up he stared through the porthole, looking at the stars. and thought of his sister Cynthia. Now there was a smart kid. Never got married, as far as he knew, free as a bird, like himself. No kids, as far as he knew, just like himself. Maybe he should write to Cynthia someday. There were too many 'as far as he knews' in that last thought. From his sister his thoughts crawled over to this brother. Married, two children, and not a single moment of his life unplanned or disorganised.

  The man on the bed shook his head slightly. That could not be a life. Life without freedom and adventure, it
was unimaginable for him. The idea of being married... to whom, he wondered. He knew hardly any women. Rhonda was not the kind to marry and settle down either. Too much of a free spirit. And the women he had seen in Skarak and the other places he had been were not candidate material for someone like himself. He tried to recall some of them. He grinned at some of the memories. And then somehow the Seigner's daughter popped into his head and that had all the properties to make his skin crawl. But Bactine skin did not crawl.

  As a little worry started gnawing at him, asking if this life was really what he wanted, he got up to shake off that thought. He did not want to deal with that now. There was a night shift waiting for him, and the certainty that the spoilt girl was put away in her bed was a comforting thing. He would not run into her.

  17. An unexpected visitor

  The rest of the journey and the tests of the ship went well. Even the cook that had come aboard was feeling better and managed to do his work without too many problems. Draiky however was glad to see him leave.

  Daniel did what he could to avoid the Seigner's daughter and succeeded in that. Ulaman helped, as he understood that there was definitely no chemistry between them, apart from a destructive one.

  As the harbour came back into view, Daniel was surprised by a gentle tap on his arm. It was the daughter of the Seigner.

  "Excuse me, Mr. Zacharias. I would like to be at the front side of the... ship when we arrive. Do you deem it safe to stand there?"

  It took Daniel a few moments to get over his surprise, then he nodded. "We'll be on our way for at least another hour, miss."

  "I don't mind, sir," Rayko said. "It would really please me."

  "In that case I am sure we can find you a safe spot. One moment please, Miss Dandra ko Galem." Daniel walked off to Bilk and told him where he'd be, taking the Seigner's daughter to the bow.

  "This way, please, miss," he said upon his return. They walked to the place Daniel had in mind. "I assume you want to see how we come into port?"


  They arrived at a safe place, far away from moving ropes and masts.

  "If you wait here for a moment," Daniel said. He grabbed a large roll and stacked that against the railing. A Bactine body had its advantages.

  Rayko looked in disbelief as he lifted the immense stack of rope. It weighed at least two hundred and fifty pounds, she estimated, and he handled it as were it a pillow.

  "It is perhaps not the most comfortable seat, but you could sit on it if you get tired. Miss."

  "Thank you, Mr. Zacharias. That is kind of you, but I am sure it won't be needed." She even condescended to show him a little smile.

  "Very well, Miss Dandra ko Galem. I'll come back for you once we're moored, if you agree with that."

  "Of course." Rayko stepped in front of the large bundle of rope, rested her hands on the railing and looked out over the water and towards the harbour.

  Daniel waited for a few more moments, but she did not pay attention to him anymore. Just as well. He made his way back aft and divided his time between the bridge and helping the men stow sail and roll up roll. From the bridge he kept an eye on Rayko and grinned as he saw her sitting on the stack of ropes.

  The hawkers were thrown, able men caught them and secured the Pricosine. Daniel saw a few carriages already down at the quay, so the Seigner had received the communication that they were almost back. Good. And good riddance.

  As the men were lowering the gangway, he walked to the bow and made sure to make enough noise for her to hear him coming. "Miss, we've arrived, and everything is ready to disembark. Are you ready too?"

  Rayko looked at him as if she was trying to put a value on him. "I am indeed ready. Thank you for remembering me."

  She walked with him, to where the men had collected her suitcases on deck. The cook had already taken his leave.

  Landlubber, Daniel thought with a grin.

  Rayko bravely stepped onto the gangway and looked down. It was steeper and deeper than she had thought. She stepped back, and red-faced she said: "I hope I do not inconvenience you, Mr. Zacharias, but would you please escort me down?"

  Daniel grinned without showing it. "My pleasure, miss." He carefully picked her up, knowing that the eyes of the whole crew were on him.

  Rayko hesitated for a moment. Then she put an arm around Daniel's neck. She buried her face in the clean shirt he had put on just before fetching her. Her eyes were closed tightly, she did not want to see this.

  Daniel stepped onto the gangway and started walking down. He occasionally told her where they were. Halfway down, three quarters already. Just before the last steps, the wind caught Rayko's dress. It hooked behind something and a loud tearing noise was heard. Daniel felt how Rayko stiffened in his arms. He walked on as the damage was done already and put her on her feet.

  Venom shot from her eyes. She looked at her dress and the tear was considerable. "Now look what you've done, you incompetent little man!" The fact that he stood two heads taller than she did was not the issue. "Argghh..." Very angry, she turned and walked off. Alas... too fast for her footwear. Four steps down she slipped and tripped.

  Daniel, who was closest to her, quickly went over to her. "Are you okay?"

  "Don't you dare touch me, you imbecile! Go away! Leave me! Mr. Slindris, please get this incompetent away from me!"

  Daniel got up and looked at Gaguran. He shrugged and backup off as the man approached and helped Rayko to her feet.

  Fuming, she hobbled off on Gaguran's arm, scrambled into the carriage and she drove off.

  Gaguran waited for the luggage to be loaded. As he stood there, he turned to Daniel. "That, Mr. Zacharias, was highly unfortunate."

  "She slipped, Mr. Slindris."

  "I saw that. Still..."

  Daniel could almost taste the repressed pleasure Gaguran had over the incident. "I wish you a good day, sir. I have duties to attend to." He nodded and paced away, not waiting for a greeting from the serving man.

  After all his work on board was done, he asked Ulaman what the plan was.

  "You take a few days, Daniel. We'll be sailing in a few days again. Big trip then, I think. I will notify you when we need you sooner."

  Daniel went to get his stuff. He grabbed a quick shower and changed into a suit. Enough people had been staring at him for one day, so if this would make things easier, so be it. Dressed and his bag in hand, he walked down the gangway. As he was almost down, he saw a strip of fabric flapping from a ring. "Crap," he stated as he ripped it from the ring and stuffed it in his pocket.


  He knew the voice. Then he saw Rhonda walking up to him. She was in her regular camouflage outfit. "Rhonda?"

  "The one and only. Man, you look..." She smothered a grin. "Different."

  "What are you doing here? I mean, why are you here?" Daniel was stumped; he had not expected to ever see the Head Medical Officer again.

  "I took a bit of leave and came over to see how you were doing. The folks here do dress up weird, Daniel. They even got you. They're staring at me all the time."

  "Guess why I wear this," Daniel said, patting his sleeve. "It stops the staring. Come, I was going home. Care to join me?"

  They walked along the buildings to the exit of the harbour where Daniel used his hydger to call for a carriage.

  Rhonda curiously eyed the device as he used it. "That looks odd."

  "Gets the job done though."

  "I'll take your word for it. Say, what was that scene with you carrying ladies down and getting kicked in the butt for that?"

  Daniel groaned. "Have you seen that?"

  "Yep, and I want to know all about it."

  A carriage rolled to a halt. Daniel held the door for Rhonda. "After you."

  "Daniel Zacharias, is that really you in there? You scare me!"

  On the way to his apartment, Daniel told Rhonda about the happening with the Seigner's daughter and how all that had not gone all too smoothly.

  "Be glad she's not on
the ship all the time. One of you would die," Rhonda declared as they were in the elevator to Daniel's floor. "Fancy housing here, Daniel."

  He showed her into the room where she looked around as he put away his things.

  "Wow, that is a view here! Really blows the star base out of the water, Daniel!"

  He came back and saw Rhonda still in front of the window. "I know. That is really great about this place. That and it's cheap."